Well done to the 72 parkrunners and walkers this morning at a sunny and warm Trelai Park parkrun. They were cheered, encouraged and looked after by our 23 fabulous volunteers from Pegasus Running Club and the equally fabulous volunteers from 5K Your Way. A great turnout from them all. We had two new parkrunners at their first event, congratulations to Nathan and Rhys, hopefully the first of many. We also had a 50th parkrunner Megan and a 200th parkrun from Sally (that one snuck under the radar). Well done both. Lots of tourists from Bristol and London – welcome to Trelai Park. I have a couple of Run Reports from David and Helen to amuse below.
Here’s David’s.
Trelai Park, twinned with Central Park in NY and Hyde Park in London, is often confused for its more glamorous counterparts, welcomed 72 intrepid runners to its tropical climate for the 151st edition of the Parkrun. Many have underestimated this challenging course, but not these runners, they knew what challenge awaited them, and they did not let it defeat them. The sneaky uphill looking to wear down the runners, slimy bank looking to claim another victim, each section of the course presenting a different challenge.
Whilst other runners look to easier parkruns, the 72 runners today wanted the challenge, to start their weekend with a bang, to earn that cup of coffee or perhaps that Greggs roll at the end. These are not your usual runners, these are battle hardened, they have faced the challenge of Trelai head on and beaten it, until next week when a different challenge awaits.
To those who did their first Park Run this week, you are one of us now, there is no escape, a big shout out to you. If this was your 25th, 50th or beyond, good to see you back, and we will see you soon.
But there should also be a big shout to every volunteer who takes the time every Saturday to give back to the running community. Who doesn’t love a marshall wearing bright coloured leggings cheering you on? Without these superstars each week, the runners would have to take on a more boring park run, a less fun park run. So, remember, always say thank you, flash that smile/grimace
and Helen’s.
Father Christmas made it to Trelai Parkrun this morning. Yes, we know it’s early, but we were more worried that he’d be so hot in the sunshine, he’d melt his workshop at the North Pole when he returned.
Unfazed our Run Director Tim ran though the rituals, any first timers ( one ) and tourists ( yes, a group from Bristol .. where there others) any milestones (Megan’s 50th ) cheers for everyone.
Brief explanation about the course. It’s a mixture of surfaces including Slimy Bank, but we didn’t need to worry it wasn’t Slimy today.
Those of us who plod round at the back noticed some very juicy blackberries on the Slimy Bank stretch.
Today’s volunteers were from the local running club Pegasus. It usually meets up on Llandaff Cathedral Green and there’s always a warm welcome so if you are tempted Google them.
Julia had taken first timers, Paul was on Restroom duties, Michelle and Julia were Tail runners, Sally and Phil G were Tail Walkers and Phil got Hero of the week for litter picking as he went round.
Jo V stopped us from wandering into Plymouth Woods Phil A guarded that S bank with his daughter (great to see her with us) Kevin made sure we headed off in the right direction at the bottom of the bank, Nigel turned us towards the triangle ( which is the marker that starts the loops) with Mo and Lauren masterminding us, helped by a future Parkrunner ( 6, 7, 8??years old) Sarah pointed us home and we were welcomed by Jenny and the 5K your Way gang. Colin was scanning bar codes (thought he’d done parking duty too) Ali was making sure the finish system worked beautifully and was it Gareth who was sorting out times with Tim?
One way or another it was a great morning and if I’ve missed someone out please forgive me. Let’s face it the important thing is that Santa finds his way home