Our Monday evening sessions currently start and finish at Cathedral Green, Llandaff. These sessions are time based, not distance. We start at 7pm and aim to finish about 7:45pm. All sessions are led by qualified Run Leaders.
The session starts with a warm up jog/walk, and stretches. We then run at our own pace for 20 minutes in one direction, and return back the same way. That way, everyone starts and finishes at more-or-less the same time. We tend to run in small groups at the same pace, so it’s quite a social run too.
Here are links to the routes we are currently running, mostly following the Taff Trail:
Pegs 20 minute out & back – downstream
Pegs 20 minute out & back – upstream
You can download a PDF version of any route by clicking on one of the links above, scroll down the page and about halfway down you will see the following buttons for download or printing: